Twitter options

After doing some research on the different possibilities Twitter offers I found the following options:

twitdir_logo3.gif  TwitDir enables you to find statistics of the Top 100 followers, Top 100 followed, Top 100 favoriters and Top 100 updaters. It also works as a search engine for Twitter users, which mean you can find any user information by searching his name.


With My Tweet Map you simply enter your Twitter name and password, and see the messages from those you follow pop up on a Google Map.


Search Inside Twitter Content
Tweet Scan is a real-time search engine for Twitter posts. Just enter your term plus a user name (optional), and the system will scan Twitter to show you the results


Twitteroo is a Windows Desktop client that allows you to monitor your Twitter account and update your status without logging into twitter.


An easy way to send Twitter Messages
TwitThis is an easy way for people to send Twitter messages about your blog post or website. When visitors to your website click on the TwitThis button or link, it takes the URL of the webpage and creates a shorter URL using TinyURL. Then visitors can send this shortened URL and a description of the web page to all of their friends on Twitter.


Say it with Pictures
With twitxr you can share a moment, a picture, a thought, instantly with your mobile phone.


It’s a small Windows tray program.
– Once every 5 minutes it checks your Twitter account and grabs the latest tweet. This gets posted to your Skype Mood.


What is twhirl?

 twhirl is a desktop twitter client, based on the Adobe AIR platform.

Some of twhirl’s features:

connects to multiple Twitter accounts

notifications on new tweets

shorten long URLs (using snurl or

cross-post updates to Pownce and Jaiku

post images to TwitPic

search tweets (using TweetScan or terraminds)

Twitter Statistics a great tool to know how you are using Twitter.

You can also create your own Twitter Mosiac 

How can we apply all this in education?

There are constantly new tools, better options, more opportunities and possibilities to motivate our students.  But what should we consider the most important aspect of using this tool? Where should we start?

I agree with George Siemens: 

Let’s abandon the somewhat silly notion of pedagogy first and recognize that the choice of technology is driven by many contextual factors and therefore context is what we are evaluating and considering when we first start talking about possible technology to use. Then, after we have selected technology, we can start talking about pedagogy. Pedagogy is just not a practical starting point for deciding the technology we should use.

The context where I´m trying to apply technology is very hard because in most schools computers are very old and most Headmasters and Coordinators think that incorporating technology will be overloading teachers with more work.

I truly hope to be able to see a paradigm shift in education.


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